Monday, October 20, 2008

Addiction and Abuse of Prescription Drugs--The Facts

Research today shows that 20% of the American population have, at one point in their lifetime, used prescription drugs for non medical reasons. This abuse has been reported in Americans as young as twelve years of age (National Institute on Drug Abuse). Got your attention yet? How many parents are happy to hear that statistic? How about this one? In a survey of 8th, 10th and 12th graders many reported using drugs such as OxyContin and Vicodin without a prescription.
These facts are not only alarming to parents but also to members/future members of the medical community. Members of the medical community are aware that the misuse, overuse and non medical use of prescription drugs is dangerous and can ultimately cause: severe brain complications, seizures, high body temperature, cardiovascular complications, respiratory complications, confusion, motor impairment, hallucinations, blurred vision, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, loss of consciousness and death (U.S Department of Health and Human Services). But it is not simply up to the members of the medical community, because by the time they see a patient who has abused a prescription drug or by the time an addict needs medical attention, it is often too late and permanent damage is already present. This is why teachers, parents, friends, members of the community, the U.S. Government, police and every citizen should know about the dangers of these medications.
There are three forms of prescription drugs that are commonly abused: opioids, stimulants and central nervous system depressants. These all have a need in society, but also can be very harmful, especially to those who abuse them.
This brings us to our next problem: Prescription drugs can cause serious complications, however, many ill patients in the nation need medications such as these being misused. The problem of prescription medication abuse is not going to be a simple one for this country to control because the benefits and the risks of prescription drugs are closely related. Without the drugs there could be no benefits, but with the drugs there are many risks. Every day there are more and more prescriptions written which makes a wider availability and therefore wider abuse. There is not a perfect answer or solution to this growing problem, but as the statistics show, there is a dire need for change due to the growing addiction and abuse problems.

National Institute on Drug Abuse:
U.S Department of Health and Human Services:


Group16 said...

That reminds me of a very common prescription drug that is being abused among several college students. These drugs are seen especially around finals week, the pill to treat ADHD, Adderall!

Anonymous said...

As a member of the business community, it is actually alarming to see how many people are falling into this trend. Not only is it dangerous to the person using them, but also to those who have to work with the affected. People who abuse these prescription drugs may be doing it to get back to work and may be impaired while operating machinery. They risk their life and that of others...

Anonymous said...

After taking Pharm I realize the huge problem with prescription abuse. These statistics worry me because I don't think people, especially teenagers realize the dangers that are involved with taking these drugs. For example the use of benzos and alcohol. I think that people underestimate the power of these drugs until it is too late.