Monday, October 20, 2008

Pharm parties: popular trend or deadly night

These videos show the importance of prescription medication education for the community, parents, friends, teen and even the healthcare community. These vidoes varify how REAL and serious this "trend" is.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know this actually existed the popping pills. Who ever thought a teen party would have this going on.I knew about teens taking xanax and lortab or even promethazine to get a high but never taking a handfuls of pills. That clip was very interesting!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, pharm parties? I have noticed an increase in the abuse of pills by students but I've never heard of pharm parties. Parties that have under age drinking are dangerous enough, but mixing pills and alcohol is a definite deadly disaster! I am really going to make an effort to listen more carefully to student conversations involving what goes on after school hours.