Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prevention: What can we all do?

  • Assess the patient and identify if the patient is abusing prescription drugs.
  • Help the patient recognize the problem.
  • Set recovery goals and seek appropriate treatment.
  • Screening for prescription drug abuse can be done in routine medical visits (ask about abuse history, evaluate current prescriptions and over the counter use.)
  • Take note of increases in the amount of medication needed or frequent, unscheduled refill requests.
  • Be alert! Prescription drug abusers may move from Dr. to Dr. to obtain multiple prescriptions for the drugs they abuse.
  • Provide detailed information on how to take a medication.
  • Describing possible side effects or drug interactions.
  • Monitor prescriptions for falsification or alterations
  • Pharmacists can be the first line of defense in recognizing prescription drug abuse.
  • Some pharmacies have even developed systems to alert other pharmacies when a prescription appears false.

  • Always follow the prescribed directions
  • Be aware of potential interactions with other drugs
  • Never stop or change a dose without talking to their healthcare provider
  • Never use another person's prescription
  • Inform healthcare professionals about all the prescription and over the counter meds and dietary and herbal supplements they are taking

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that this states that as health care professionals, it's important to notice changes in patients, this often takes time, which is ultimately the reason these patients and their prescriptions are overlooke, neglected or under monitored. It is not only the patient who needs to take preventative measures but the health care professionals, too!